How to improve the service life of Metal Stamping Tool?

- 2021-07-31-

How to improve the service life of Metal Stamping Tool? Routine maintenance of the mold shall be carried out by the operator and confirmed by the mold maintenance personnel. After the parts are completed, the operator determines the status of the Metal Stamping Tool in production, the quality of the first and last parts, and the process parts as the basis for whether the Metal Stamping Tool needs to be repaired.

1. First of all, the metal stamping parts should conform to the manufacturing process and feasibility of the Metal Stamping Tool, the design of the metal stamping parts should be reasonable, and the best structural scheme should be selected as far as possible.

2. Pay attention to the design of Metal Stamping Tool. The design of Metal Stamping Tool, the availability and safety of the structure, the choice of Metal Stamping Tool material and so on are places to pay attention to.

3. The surface of the main forming parts of the Metal Stamping Tool needs to be strengthened, so that the wear resistance of the Metal Stamping Tool can be improved, and its quality will also be improved.

4. The manufacturing process of Metal Stamping Tool is also an important part of improving the quality of Metal Stamping Tool. The machining method and machining precision in the manufacturing process of Metal Stamping Tool will also affect the service life of Metal Stamping Tool.

5. Correct use and maintenance of Metal Stamping Tool is also an important factor to improve the quality of Metal Stamping Tool. Incorrect use and maintenance may shorten the service life of Metal Stamping Tools.